Jackie DiBuono
Lover and guru of all things Disney 🏰 Disney cruiser 🛳️ and the answers to questions you have!

Ever since I was a child I’ve been exposed the world of Disney. From TV to the VHS Sing-a-longs. 😋 As an adult, even more so!! Disney trips every other month. Then magic happened!! 🪄 Disneyland!!! Then…Disneyland Paris! 😍 Oh! Let’s not forget the Disney cruises. 😝 Then my family formed through adoption and many more memories emerged. My goal is to help you and your family get the most magical memories and experiences that you will never forget. I’m here for you! ❤️🏰

Let's Talk!
My Favorite Destinations 🔍
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My Travel Advisor Journey 🗺️

Why not turn my Disney vacations and experiences into suggestions, help and travel assistance?! Everyone always ask me “Jackie, I’m planning on going to Disney, what should we do?” So I met decided to take the leap and reach out to my good friend Carlos to get started. 😃

My Favorite Content on famvia.com 🌟

Travel news- full of great information that is not overwhelming for families by families

My Top Travel Secret ✨

"Go without a hardcore plan!! It’s a vacation! Don’t be stressed 😥 “What time is the 3pm parade??” Or…”Ok family! We need to be on this ride at this time and then run across to the other side of the park for this next thing in the timeline…” Don’t be the family walking around with a timeline. 🤚 The best thing is to go with a general idea of what the day will be like and go from there. I promise you there will be no regrets. Stress free parents, and happy kids! "

My Favorite Family Vacation Memory 🚗

This was our all time favorite family vacation!! Why?? We finalized our last 2 foster children’s adoption and we celebrated by going on the Disney Dream! We were now a family of five! To share this experience with them, although they probably won’t remember, it left the memories in our head that will last forever!!

How I take care of my guests 🌟